
Episode 237: Keeping it Real with the Super Mamas - Positive Thoughts on the Rollercoaster of Qua-routines


It’s been a while since we’ve caught up with you and we’re all over the place! It has been 9 or 10 weeks since we’ve started practicing social distancing (depending on when you started). Between new quarantine routines with our families, starting to work out again and eating a lot, it has been tough learning to balance motherhood, kids, school, work, cooking, and intimacy during these wild times. After some lazy, junk food filled weeks, we found that sticking to routine and finding a new way to have “alone time” has really helped us feel better. In this week’s episode, we’re sharing what we’ve been doing to care for our families and especially ourselves. We’re all about staying positive, mamas! Life will get back to normal one day, but for now let’s remember to be kind to ourselves and take it one day at a time. 

Pick or Tip of the Week

We are sharing some good, relaxing tips because these are wild times we’re living in. 😂

Paulina’s pick this week is the Bloom app. She feels that she needs instructions when practicing mindfulness and she loves this app because it talks to you and tells you what to do, plus you can keep track of your feelings. It’s super interactive and gives you activities to do when you’re feeling a certain way. Try it out and let us know how you like it!

She has also really been into plant videos and propagating her plant babies, and has realized that watching plant videos are so calming! It’s her way of winding down at night. Check out this video about propagating plants and one of her favorite YouTube plant guys, Hilton Carter.

Bricia has been having gnat struggles with her plants, so she went on a deep research dive on YouTube about how to get rid of them and found a few products that have been helpful.

  • Dual sided sticky gnat traps (also good for flies) - you out them in your indoor or outdoor plants and once the gnats get stuck there, they can’t reproduce.

  • Neem oil - It smells weird but it works on all stages of insects so fingers crossed that it works!

  • Mosquito bits - to put in your plant soils for the gnats to eat and then they can reproduce. We’re trying this in our backyards for summer nights too!

Bricia’s final tip is to speak positive words in people’s lives. If something negative is coming out of your mouth, rephrase it to be positive.

Let’s remember to be positive, be kind, and take care of your mind, sisters!