Epsiode 197: Keeping Up with the Super Mamás: Summer is Here!


SUMMER IS HERE and we’re back with a brand new episode! This week we’re talking about our summer plans (and lack of). While Bricia & family are planning a trip to Hawaii (shout out to Delta!) and a full immersion musical experience for Eddie, Paulina is scrambling but planning her own time off without the kids. We also check in and talk about how both our super mamas “lost their flow” after the social but are determined to be kind to themselves & get back on track. Remember that you can get knocked down many times but all you have to do is get up again!

Pick or Tip of the Week

Sometimes you have to do a little grooming, ahem, “downstairs” to prep for a summer of shorts, skirts and bathing suits. Bricia is loving sugaring as an alternative to waxing. It’s a mixture of sugar, lemon juice and water and tends to be gentler than waxing. If you’re nervous about the pain, Paulina recommends this razor, similar to one she uses.

Paulina is sharing some advice this week: “Be kind to yourself. And if you feel like you failed yourself, it’s okay.” Remember, the official theme song for Super Mamás goes, “I get knocked down, but I get up again…”


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