Simple Emergency Preparedness

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Emergency preparedness has been on everyone’s minds lately. But it can be hard to know where to start. It’s essential that parents have emergency kits, and plans in place in case the worst occurs. We put together a list of quick tips to be ready in case of an earthquake, hurricane, or other disaster.

 We also want to incorporate our kiddos into our plans. Prioritize establishing a communication plan for your family. If you are not at home when the emergency hits, where will you meet after? Explain to your kids what will happen if something happens while they are at school or with their babysitter. 

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends establishing a family communication plan and talk to your children about what will happen during an earthquake, or another disaster. You can download their kit here.

Once you have that out of the way, we recommend you put together an emergency kit, for your home and a portable one for your car.

Lucky for you, one of our amazing listeners, photographer Alejandra Rodriguez did all the hard work for you!

Here is her list of emergency kit essentials:

  • Water - Bottles, pouches of water, or gallons (3 gallons per person) and or a LifeStraw which is a purification straw you can drink water through.

  • Food - three days’ worth of nonperishable food: ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables and a can opener, protein or fruit bars, dry cereal or granola, peanut butter, dried fruit, canned juices, non-perishable pasteurized milk, high energy foods, food for infants, more food tips here

  • Light - Wind-resistant matches, flashlight with extra batteries, tea candles, or Black Diamond Headlamp

  • Whistle - a basic whistle will do or this HEIMDALL Safety Whistle

  • Dust mask - you can buy a pack

  • First aid kit - this one is for 50 people

  • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities - something you can easily find in your garage

  • Moist towelettes

  • Garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation

  • Paper maps of your area

  • Scissors

  • Duct tape

  • Cash in all ones to easily pay for things since ATMs will not be working and people probably won't be able to make change

  • Jackets, ponchos, and blankets

  • Medications/ extra glasses or contact lenses/ Epi Pens for kids with allergies  


  • Always keep shoes near your bed so you can put them on during an earthquake to avoid stepping on broken glass and other objects.

  • Have a pack in your homes and another in your cars.

  • Have copies of important documents in your emergency kit or other safe place.

  • Always have your car at at least half a tank. Gas stations shut down during these kind of emergencies.

  • Develop a map of resources around where you live and work.

  • Communicate with others about what you each will do to support one another in an emergency.

  • Make sure you have access to important documents and if you trust the cloud, store copies there.

  • Always keep your gas tank full in case you need to evacuate or if a long term emergency affects gasoline supplies. 

  • You can also just order emergency kit on Amazon or Costco!

Follow Alejandra on Instagram @junesoulbyali and check out her amazing photography here